Spell checkers and Abiword

From: Jordi Mas (jmas@softcatala.org)
Date: Sat Nov 01 2003 - 11:00:36 EST

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: Spell checkers and Abiword"


    A few things regarding spell checkers and Abiword:

    - Bug 5527 affects at least Windows and Linux. It seems that in Abiword 2.0 we
    have lost/broken support for the way that certain hash files are compiled. The
    Spanish dictionary that we have in our homepage does not work properly in 2.0
    and the same hash works in 2.0. If anybody has an idea, it will be welcome.

    - The CVS module 'abispell' contains the affixes supossedly used to build the
    hash files but does not contain the dictionary files (usually .dic). Without
    them, we cannot build the hash files. Should not we add the dic files also? I
    can look into this if need it.

    - Some of the dictionaries are really old. For example, the Spanish one was
    made in 1996. There are much better versions now. The Catalan was also is very
    old. I think that they have to be updated.

    I think that for win32 it will be nice to have a paneuropean version of
    Abiword that includes the English, German, Spanish, French, and Italian
    spellchecks. What you think?



    Jordi Mas i Hernāndez (homepage http://www.softcatala.org/~jmas) http://www.softcatala.org

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