Re: Command line PDF/PNG export

Date: Thu Nov 06 2003 - 15:55:41 EST

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "More thoughts on AbiShow"

    Hi Michael,
               I'm very happy you're doing this. I personally have wanted to
    determine the contents of many documents without having to
    actually open them.

    However I wonder how you plan to implement this?

    Taking the full first page and shrinking it into an icon would make it
    unreadbally small. (maybe it would work for really big icons)

    Or do you plan to do some pdf magic to extract the first line or two and
    somehow wrap that into the icon?

    I've thought about doing something similar in the past but haven't started
    because I couldn't work out what would be useful.

    I'm most intrigued,


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