Re: More thoughts on AbiShow

From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Thu Nov 06 2003 - 23:18:38 EST

  • Next message: Jonathan: "Re: More thoughts on AbiShow"

    At 2:13 PM +1100 11/7/03, Martin Sevior wrote:
    >No. The ideas are all in my head. I have an idea of how this could
    >happen utilizing most of the Abi codebase.

            And that may well be possible, but I think you would end up
    with a program that wouldn't work like people wanted and that would
    need major work later on.

    >The construction of text part would be all done with the Abi codebase
    >with input being limited to text boxes.

            Right - but that's the SIMPLEST part of the program!

            First thing you need to do is determine the metaphor - are
    you a "slide-based" tool or an "outline-based" one? Each has
    advantages and disadvantages...

            Then you should consider how "masters" work. Are they
    initial "templates" or are they true "style sheets"? Also, how do
    you track per-slide changes to template elements - or don't you?



    Leonard Rosenthol                            <>

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