Errors in fribidi RPM from rawhide

From: M. Fioretti (
Date: Sat Oct 11 2003 - 16:53:26 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Error compiling enchant 1.0 RPM on Red Hat 9"


    I found your names as maintainers of the fribidi RPM from rawhide.
    This message is CCed to the abiword developers list to keep them

    I am trying to install abiword 2.0 for Gtk (no Gnome) from rawhide,
    which requires fribidi, also from rawhide. I refer to the packages
    pointed from here

    If I install fribidi, the abiword RPM doesn't install because says is missing.

    Searching for that string on says that that library is
    provided only by the Mandrake RPMs of the same version of fribidi. If
    I install the source RPM from the Red Hat server and build from that,
    nothing changes, even if I add %{_libdir}/libfribidi0*.so* to the spec

    Actually the build crashes, because there is no file with that name
    created. Even worst, that string is not present in no source file out
    of the tarball.

    Yes, I could try to grab the Mandrake source RPM and rebuild from
    that, but wanted to inform you and get any possible feedback first.

    TIA for any comment,

            Marco Fioretti

    Marco Fioretti                 m.fioretti, at the server
    Red Hat for low memory

    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. -Albert Einstein

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