Re: AbiWord Cygwin Port

From: Gerrit P. Haase (
Date: Mon Oct 20 2003 - 20:44:22 EDT

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "Packaging wishes for 2.0.1"

    Hallo Kenneth,


    >>I think you should use another macro to define whether you're going
    >>build a native version for Windows with the underlaying base of
    >>Cygwin, maybe another flag for configure? Please don't use CYGWIN as
    >>an identifier for WIN32! CYGWIN != WIN32.

    > The MSVC (ie what you call native) build does not use configure.
    > A minimal set of cygwin tools are required for the makefile based
    > build, and since Windows has no uname, cygwin's uname is used, hence
    > the CYGWIN -> WIN32. However, if you really wanted a cygwin build,
    > from the Makefile comments, you can specify ABI_OPT_CYGWIN_UNIX=1
    > to get a cygwin/gcc/gtk build. As I doubt anyone has attempted to
    > build this way in quite some time, realistically it will fail, but
    > it was the intended method (I assume) of overriding the default.

    Thanks for the hint, I didn't found it yet, but I'll search it now.
    That is exactly the macro I was looking for.

    > As MSVC is still our standard compiler for Windows builds, any
    > changes that effect building with it (e.g. requiring a new option
    > on the command line to use MSVC) should be approved by Jordi & Dom.

    I thought of an option like you cited above to specify if I want to
    build without Cygwin or with MinGW, that should not affect VC if the
    configury is only used for Unix and unixlike platforms.

    >>I needed to add some code to get it compiled. I am willing to
    >>contribute time, patches and know-how to get AbiWord up and running as
    >>a native Cygwin-XFree86 version besides your already existing native
    >>WIN32 version. If the Cygwin folks is accepting AbiWord as a package.
    >>I would also act as a maintainer for the packages (AbiWord & wvWare)
    >>for the Cygwin platform.

    > Cool, then we'd have MinGW and Cygwin builds. I will try to help
    > any way I can, (just let me know) and add the cygwin build to
    > as one of my tinderbox client's compilers [something I wanted to do
    > anyway].

    I've already finished the libwmf and wvWare builds. Hopefully the
    packages will be distributed soon over the Cygwin mirrors.



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