Re: Abi RPMs for RH9 again, was: Packaging wishes for 2.0.1

From: M. Fioretti (
Date: Wed Oct 22 2003 - 05:22:04 EDT

  • Next message: Rui Miguel Seabra: "Re: Abi RPMs for RH9 again, was: Packaging wishes for 2.0.1"

    On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 10:01:00 at 10:01:00AM +0100, Rui Miguel Seabra ( wrote:
    > Marco, you're talking about the packages that are in RedHat's rawhide,

    Yes, my apologies for not making it clear.
    > If you're really willing to use those, it also isn't that hard to do the
    > following:

    I had already started to do the following. The question posted here
    were meant to understand and document what

    > Change as appropriate

    means, and on which complete set of RPMs. This is (remains?) all but
    clear if one knows how to build RPMs as below but is not already an
    abiword developer.

    *if* the fribidi rpms on savannah and those on rawhide are different,
    *if* fedora core doesn't provide a gnome-less Abiword 2 RPM, and one
    wants to build it relying as much as possible on *other* existing
    Fedora RPMs... hence come similar questions.

    If I understand correctly, Fedora Core 1 will be released at the end
    of the month. Considering that, the release of abiword 2.0.1 and the
    fact that we at RULE will switch to Fedora Core asap, I will probably
    wait and retry with all the latest versions.

    Thanks for any feedback,

           Marco Fioretti

    Marco Fioretti                 m.fioretti, at the server
    Red Hat for low memory

    The whole world is a tuxedo and you are a pair of brown shoes. -- George Gobel

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