advanced warning: planed removal of stale Pango code

From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Mon Oct 27 2003 - 03:48:07 EST

  • Next message: Daniel Glassey: "Re: Prototype: AbiWord using libgsf"

    I am planing to remove the stale Pango code from CVS Head. For those
    who have not been around long enough, this code (inside #ifdef
    WITH_PANGO) is a leftover after an attempt to use Pango in the layout
    engine I made about 18 months ago; unfortunately I ran into too many
    hurdles to make it work. So, I am going to remove this code, because
    (a) it serves no purpose, (b) obscures current code, and (c) if/when
    it comes to using Pango in the layout engine, it will be better to
    start from scratch (it will require more radical rewrite than
    initially assumed, Pango keeps developing, etc.).

    I am planing to do this as soon as the 2.0.1 release is done so as
    not to complicate any backporting between now and then.


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