commit (head): fix 7011

From: Tomas Frydrych <>
Date: Thu Aug 05 2004 - 12:20:38 CEST

This substantial commit fixes bug 7011, table cells do not merge with
doc history on. Basically, the problem is that much of the table
manipulation code queries the piecetable directly for properties and
attributes, which bypasses the whole revisioning stuff (props and
attributes in revisioned documents are always function of the view
and can be substantially different for different simultaneous views
of the same document). I have modified several PD_Document functions
to fix this.

This bug touches on a much bigger issue that we will need to look
into after 2.2, namely clear separation between document and views.
Layout classes and dialogues should not be able to carry out any
operations (whether passive or active) on the document, only on the
view they belong to; document operations should be restricted to the
view alone. Correspondingly, importers and the document should not be
allow to do any operations on layout classes, only send notifications
to the view (for example, at the moment both fl_BlockLayout,
PD_Document and several importers construct fl_AutoNumber instances).


files: number in imp/exp, text/fmt, text/ptbl and wp/ap
Received on Thu Aug 5 12:08:11 2004

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