Re: commit: stylist dialog box localisation fixes

From: Dom Lachowicz <>
Date: Mon Dec 20 2004 - 21:15:11 CET

> Ultimately, this is a bug in MingW and should be
> filed in their
> bugzilla. The incompleteness of the MingW include
> files is a problem;
> the TVS_SINGLEEXPAND message has been part of the
> win32 API since MSIE
> 4.0 was released, i.e., the the MingW include files
> are behind by years.
> (I have voiced my unease about using MingW to build
> the official
> binaries before, this just adds to it.)

Though you most probably have good arguments for your
position (I do as well - e.g. plugin incompatibility),
I'd be hard-pressed to include this specific instance
as one of them.

The fact that the MinGW AbiWord executable links and
runs provably as well as the MSVC version is
sufficient. The fact that MinGW misses a macro or
function definition in its headers is irrelevant in
the cases where that macro or function IS NOT
NECESSARY to build AbiWord.

In this case, we're missing one definition.
Considering the Win32 API's "suburban-sprawl"
physique, I find it hard to slight MinGW's efforts.
File a bug in their bug tracker and call it a day.

As for AbiWord, preemtively nip it in the bud. It's
not worth this much discussion.

#define TVS_SINGLEEXPAND whatever


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