Re: commit: stylist dialog box localisation fixes

From: Mark Gilbert <>
Date: Mon Dec 20 2004 - 21:34:29 CET

I already looked into this yesterday, actually, and TVS_SINGLEEXPAND is
no less defined in w32api than TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS or any of those other
control style macros. Has been for years.
I tried copying the define to 1024; that made the syntax error go away
but the binary crashed with a null dereference on startup.


On Mon, 2004-12-20 at 19:10 +0000, Tomas Frydrych wrote:
> Ultimately, this is a bug in MingW and should be filed in their
> bugzilla. The incompleteness of the MingW include files is a problem;
> the TVS_SINGLEEXPAND message has been part of the win32 API since MSIE
> 4.0 was released, i.e., the the MingW include files are behind by years.
> (I have voiced my unease about using MingW to build the official
> binaries before, this just adds to it.)
> Tomas
Received on Mon Dec 20 21:33:16 2004

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