Re: OTS not building in HEAD

From: Frodo Looijaard (
Date: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 11:39:48 EST

  • Next message: Alan Horkan: "Re: Commit (GTK24): GtkFileSelection -> GtkFileChooser"

    On Sat, Feb 21, 2004 at 04:25:01PM +0200, Nadav Rotem wrote:
    > Hi Frodo,
    > Okay, should I update the abiword plugin to 'unsigned const' or change
    > the ots decleration to const char ?

    I think there are two options:
      * Only support OTS 0.4.2 and later
        But you'll have to wait until it is released, so Debian unstable
        and other CVS users are just out of luck;
      * Determine in the configure phase what declarations we have, and
        support both declarations.

    Note that I don't know a thing about OTS and its ongoing developments.
    Perhaps talking with the OTS writers might help clarify whether more
    changes can be expected?

    Good luck,

    Frodo Looijaard <>  PGP key and more:
    Defenestration n. (formal or joc.):
      The act of removing Windows from your computer in disgust, usually followed
      by the installation of Linux or some other Unix-like operating system.

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