Re: The TOC Dialogue

Date: Sat Feb 28 2004 - 09:13:34 EST

  • Next message: Charles Goodwin: "Re: The TOC Dialogue"

    > On Sat, 2004-02-28 at 05:19, wrote:
    >> Hmm this dialog also doesn't expose all the functionality of
    >> our feature.
    > You missed my point entirely...
    > A giant complex dialogue that you'd need a doctorate in in order to be
    > able to use effectively is not the way forward. You seem to be
    > forgetting the target audience for AbiWord, the technically illiterate.
    > The vast majority of Word Processor users would happily opt for a
    > sensible prefabricated style for a TOC rather than define their own.

    Right. So when they press "insert Table of Cotents" a nicely formatted
    Table of Contents with sane defaults instantly appears in their document.

    > The whole point is that the average user won't need to see that. From
    > my mockup, that would be shown by a 'Custom Style' dialogue - is that a
    > cascading dialogue; a dialogue produced from within another dialogue?
    > Or put that in an 'advanced' tab - same effect, getting the advanced
    > options out of the initial dialogue as I advocated in the email
    > preceeding the mockup. That's definitely the way foward instead of
    > squeezing everything into a single dialogue.
    > Just imagine my mockup with an 'advanced' tab. Perhaps I should have
    > done the second dialogue along with the mockup but I assumed [1] that in
    > your mind you'd recognise and shift all the uncontained style stuff into
    > another dialogue/tab without a visual prompt. ;)
    > [1] "Assumption is the mother of all f... ups"
    > --

    The devil is in the details. If jump into this battle you gotta go all the
    way and not just wave your hands....

    I personally like the idea of allowing a drop down list to choose which
    level to edit, something like hub's mockups.


    > - Charlie
    > Charles Goodwin <>
    > Online @

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