Re: The TOC Dialogue

From: Charles Goodwin (
Date: Sat Feb 28 2004 - 04:19:18 EST

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    On Sat, 2004-02-28 at 05:19, wrote:
    > Hmm this dialog also doesn't expose all the functionality of
    > our feature.

    You missed my point entirely...

    A giant complex dialogue that you'd need a doctorate in in order to be
    able to use effectively is not the way forward. You seem to be
    forgetting the target audience for AbiWord, the technically illiterate.

    The vast majority of Word Processor users would happily opt for a
    sensible prefabricated style for a TOC rather than define their own.

    The whole point is that the average user won't need to see that. From
    my mockup, that would be shown by a 'Custom Style' dialogue - is that a
    cascading dialogue; a dialogue produced from within another dialogue?

    Or put that in an 'advanced' tab - same effect, getting the advanced
    options out of the initial dialogue as I advocated in the email
    preceeding the mockup. That's definitely the way foward instead of
    squeezing everything into a single dialogue.

    Just imagine my mockup with an 'advanced' tab. Perhaps I should have
    done the second dialogue along with the mockup but I assumed [1] that in
    your mind you'd recognise and shift all the uncontained style stuff into
    another dialogue/tab without a visual prompt. ;)

    [1] "Assumption is the mother of all f... ups"

    - Charlie

    Charles Goodwin <> Online @

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