Re: Generic Embeddable plugins.

From: Tomas Frydrych <>
Date: Fri Jan 14 2005 - 10:07:44 CET wrote:
> 5. We can either shoe-horn the netscape API directly into AbiWord and then
> shoehorn the MathML plugin (and other non-netscape plugins) into that. Or
> we can write an API that comfortablly fits with AbiWord and then shoehorn
> the netscape API into that.

I am not sure how would you shoe-horn the more generic Netscape API into
AW, I can see it working the other way around.

Another possibility would to two have API's; one homegrown and suitable
for plugins that are meant for AW only and want to make use of our APIs
for everything, and another one, we borrow from somewhere that will be
more generic. I am not sure this would be wise at all, but I do include
it for completeness.

Reading through the various posts, I increasingly share Dom's concerns.
The pluggin architecture and API needs to be as generic and flexible as
possible and it should not assume that pluggin will want to make any use
of AW internal APIs at all. Furthermore, using an API that is well known
and not tied to AW opens a world of possibilities for us that a
homegrown API will never give us; this alone is an argument that I find
very persuasive.

Received on Fri Jan 14 10:09:02 2005

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