Re: 2.4 timetable

From: Tomas Frydrych <>
Date: Tue Jul 05 2005 - 09:55:08 CEST wrote:

> There are at least 15 open regressions in Bugzilla that were introduced
> during 2.3.x alone; there are 81 known bugs that cause AbiWord to hang,
> crash, or lose data; there are 897 known bugs in total, although that
> number may be a bit high due to every bug being marked as new since the
> recent Bugzilla upgrade.

On the other hand there only something like 20 critical+ P1 & P2 bugs,
number of which are only related to plugins and number of which are hard
to reproduce. So lets make an effective use of the bugzilla so we can
fix the bugs that really matter. There will always be bugs in
application of this size, that is life; a relase will always be a
compromise between number of factors of which bug count is, of course an
important one.

> It was agreed that some serious bugs that blocked 2.2.0 would be fixed
> during the early parts of 2.2.x and block the branching of 2.3.x. Those
> bugs are still valid and it appears that a quick 2.5.x branching is
> planned. I'm quite aware that 2.3.x was branched early due to lack of
> coder morale, but at some point the ever growing bug count needs to be
> addressed if AbiWord wants to seriously be considered a stable and
> polished, production-ready word processor.

Actually, 2.3 was branched late, not early. The morale problem was
consequence of ever postponed branching without any clear timetable. On
the past experience very little work gets done on AW over the summer
months, so if we do not get 2.4 out of the way in the next couple of
weeks, there is not going to be any significant change to the bug count
until mid autumn -- if you want 2.4 to be significantly improved against
what 2.3 is now we are talking relase early next year on the assumption
that we can maintain a decent morale; on the past experience chances are
we will not and that we will release in January 2.4 that is not
significantly better from 2.3.2.

So, we need to find a resonable compromise between QA point of view and
the other factors.


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Received on Tue Jul 5 09:54:49 2005

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