Re: CVS: commit hub abi/src/wp/ap/cocoa

From: Francis James Franklin <>
Date: Sat Sep 03 2005 - 18:23:14 CEST

> Well looks like you people don't want:
> 1/ people contributing to the Mac port
> 2/ want the Mac port to be a huge piece of shit like it still is. And
> yes you can blame me for most of the crap, but not all.
> Ultra pissed off.

Well, firstly, people rarely if ever want to contribute to the Mac
port; and, secondly, look at the amount of stress when there's just the
two of us.

I agree that the Mac port is not ready for a proper 2.4 release but
it's getting there. (We released 2.2 for OS X and that wasn't close to
acceptable until about 2.2.3.) I never expected to have grammar and
equations working so soon in 2.4, so I'm feeling optimistic.

I really don't understand why you're getting so upset over this.
Clearly there is a problem linking against gtkmathview, but there's no
way for you to fix it unless you build gtkmathview yourself, which you
don't seem to want to do.

Tired of fighting,
Received on Sat Sep 3 18:30:30 2005

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