Re: CVS: commit hub abi/src/wp/ap/cocoa

From: Francis James Franklin <>
Date: Sat Sep 03 2005 - 21:02:31 CEST

On 3 Sep 2005, at 19:07, Hubert Figuiere wrote:
> "I don't see an indentation style" you told me when asked you to
> respect
> the one currently in use, after I had reindented your code to match
> what
> was already there.

I don't remember saying that exactly, but I will say now that in
general I do respect the existing indentation, certainly more so than I
really want to.

> "nil is not 0. NULL is not 0" I said. Each time I have to go thru and
> fix that.

And I hate them both, but anyway the code I committed had already been
written when we had that conversation.

I have to say that your recent attitude is not making me feel like

>> I agree that the Mac port is not ready for a proper 2.4 release but
>> it's
>> getting there. (We released 2.2 for OS X and that wasn't close to
>> acceptable until about 2.2.3.)
> 2.2.7, when I fixed the justification code YOU broke.... But given how
> nobody did complain, I wonder why I have fixed it. Wait. Because I was
> trying to use AbiWord for once.

Fine. Thank you for fixing it. When did I ever claim to be (a) perfect,
or (b) using AbiWord? No. I was developing AbiWord because (a) it was
fun, (b) I needed something to distract me from my life, (c) I like
hanging out in #AbiWord, and (d) you weren't working on it any longer.

I have a lot of respect for the work you did originally on the Cocoa
port, and I am happy that you are once again working on it, but I'm
getting very sick of your complaining.

>> I never expected to have grammar and
>> equations working so soon in 2.4, so I'm feeling optimistic.
> I am not. There are still more major issue to be addressed that are
> more
> important that MacOS X specific features (/me point at the tool palette
> thinking that it will be more work to make it XP than it would have
> been
> if it had been done this way since the beginning)

Unlike you, I am not a god who knows everything there is to know about
Cocoa. A lot of the work I've done on AbiWord has been about learning
how to use Cocoa, and the Tool Palette was just such an exercise. It
was never intended to be xp because it was too late for the 2.2
development cycle. No one has expressed a real interest in making it
xp, so why get so upset?

>> I really don't understand why you're getting so upset over this.
>> Clearly
>> there is a problem linking against gtkmathview, but there's no way for
>> you to fix it unless you build gtkmathview yourself, which you don't
>> seem to want to do.
> I was trying to fix things, and suddenly the whole thing BREAK and no
> documentation has been updated to explain what to do.

Now you stop with the B.S. I've lost count of the number of times I
told you about gtkmathview being in the tar-ball. If you don't want to
download the tar-ball is that really my fault? If you think people
shouldn't have to download it, then I agree completely, but you're a
developer and should at least have compiled gtkmathview yourself if you
didn't want the tar-ball.

Now can we please stop this arguing, because I've forgotten the last
time we agreed about anything.

Regards, Frank
Received on Sat Sep 3 21:09:36 2005

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