Re: (again) - cooperation with GNOME

From: Tomas Frydrych <>
Date: Tue Sep 13 2005 - 12:02:31 CEST

Hi Martin,

>>>abi -> gnome: Maybe we could replicate our CVS repository to GNOME's
>>>(the "abi" module would prolly do for now). The master repository
>>>would certainly stay on blueant. There seem to be commercial CVS
>>>replication solutions available, a quick check on google didn't reveal
>>>anything open source.
>>What exactly would we gain by this?
> We make easier for gnome hackers to get access to our source code and
> hence are more likely to work on our project.

By access, do you mean 'anonymous access'? Because if not, I am rather
uneasy about loosing control over who can commit into the AW tree. While
as a project we are very keen for people to submit patches, and
generally incorporate patches quickly, we also know that not every patch
is a good patch, and suspect that most people who contribute code for
the first time are told to redo their code.

The basic issue is that the AW code base is fairly large and reasonable
familarity with it is necessary for people to contribute to the project
without screwing things up; there is no way around that. The fact that
currently there is a limited number of people committing to the tree is
not because we would not be accessible or prepared to give people write
access to cvs, but because not everyone is able/willing to familiarise
themselves with the codebase.

There is also the issue of the XP architecture; not everything that is
OK from the Gnome point of view, is OK from AW point of view, and I
think it is important that people understand the XP aspect of AW
development before having a commit access.

It would be graet to have more Gnome hackers working on AW, but not at
all costs.


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