Windows Nightly Builds

From: Ryan Pavlik <>
Date: Wed Jan 24 2007 - 07:21:58 CET

It came to my attention (when I saw the blog no longer being updated)
that WIndows nightly builds had been "stuck". I think I may have done
it when setting up for the 2.5.0 build. Regardless, it is fixed now and
regular builds should resume as scheduled - sorry for any inconvenience
this may have caused.


Ryan Pavlik
AbiWord Win32 Platform Maintainer, Art Lead:
AbiWord Community Outreach Project:
"Optimism is the father that leads to achievement."
 -- Helen Keller
"The folder structure in a modern Linux distribution such as Ubuntu
was largely inspired by the original UNIX foundations that were
created by men with large beards and sensible jumpers."
 -- Jono Bacon, The Ubuntu Guide
Received on Wed Jan 24 07:22:24 2007

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