Puppy linux

From: Ian Clark <ian.mrtao_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu Apr 16 2009 - 13:57:41 CEST

Hello thanks for your time.

I'm using puppy linux 4.1.2 and I've run into a problem where
documents originally in Chinese will change completely to question
marks, and the original coding is unrecoverable. I also get these
question marks if I use the copy paste function or drag a piece of
selected text. Martin says this is because Puppy is missing an iconv
table. Where can I get that and get it installed?

Another question I have is, how can I command Abiword to change the
default font for opening files? I'd like the default font a font I
have that can handle Chinese, pinyin, and English. I don't see a
select default font option on the preferences.


Received on Thu Apr 16 13:57:57 2009

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