Re: Vincent_ what is the expected behavior for Frame setting dialog

From: Simon Larochelle <>
Date: Wed Apr 04 2012 - 02:35:37 CEST

I have the impression of fighting against the UI to set the borders.
My preference would be that we adopt the same type of dialog behavior
that GNUMERIC uses to set the borders of cells. Concerning the issue
of switching dialog boxes, it may be better to always reinitialize the
preview area to the current state of the frame as there may be some
elements like a background image that the user does not want to
change. On the other hand, the settings should stay the same. As for
the values of the settings when the dialog box is first opened, I
would arbitrarily choose either the left or top border as reference.

Vincent, concerning bug 7976, the problem is likely in the graphical
layer (the code in the directory src/af/gr/ ) as this is a Windows
specific bug.

Received on Wed Apr 4 02:35:44 2012

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