Re: Win32 version

Eric W. Sink (
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 08:39:27 -0600

> Also, just a thought... for win32 users, people are much more accustomed to
> multiple document/single instance applications. I personally like the
> multiple instance paradigm for the word processor - it makes it easier to
> keep track of documents - but you may be cutting out some of your future
> market if you don't allow for a single instance version because many users
> may be thrown off by it. Perhaps you want to consider adding this in to the
> win32 design?

Oh dear.

We have a small controversy here, inside AbiSource, regarding that
very issue. I use the word "small" mostly in recognition of the fact
that within the "discussion" there has been, to date, no loss of life
or limb.

Suffice it to say that your mail adds fuel to the fire. Thanks for
the opinion. The Pro-MDI camp will no doubt appreciate it immensely.

:-) :-)

Eric W. Sink, Software Craftsman

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