Re: Win32 version

Paul Rohr (
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 11:43:04 -0800

At 09:31 AM 11/10/98 -0500, James wrote:
>Using vc6 under win98...
>When abiword is compiled with javascript off, the menu items all have their
>underscored hotkey letters, but with javascript on, they lose the
>underscores. Also, the bold, italic underline menu items don't show a
>checkmark when toggled on - I don't know if this has just been left out or
>if it is accidental, but the align and window items work correctly so I'm
>thinking it is just an oversight.

Wow. That's pretty impressive. Looks like you've probably got a half-baked
build there. :-)

I just did the following from the abi/src directory:

make realclean
make ABI_OPT_JS=1

Lo and behold, it didn't link. Turns out there's been a one-character typo
in src/wp/main/win/Makefile since the middle of last week.

Should be all better now.



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