Win32 version

James (
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 09:31:41 -0500

Using vc6 under win98...

When abiword is compiled with javascript off, the menu items all have their
underscored hotkey letters, but with javascript on, they lose the
underscores. Also, the bold, italic underline menu items don't show a
checkmark when toggled on - I don't know if this has just been left out or
if it is accidental, but the align and window items work correctly so I'm
thinking it is just an oversight.

Also, just a thought... for win32 users, people are much more accustomed to
multiple document/single instance applications. I personally like the
multiple instance paradigm for the word processor - it makes it easier to
keep track of documents - but you may be cutting out some of your future
market if you don't allow for a single instance version because many users
may be thrown off by it. Perhaps you want to consider adding this in to the
win32 design?


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