
Eric W. Sink (
Thu, 29 Oct 1998 08:33:40 -0600

As of last night's CVS update, you'll need the NGS JavaScript engine to
build AbiWord. This engine can be found at and
is also [supposed to be] available from our anonymous CVS archive
as a top-level module called 'js'.

Either way, 'js' needs to be a peer of the 'abi' directory. Once it
is, you need to build the library and copy it into abi/dist so that
the AbiWord makefiles can find it. On Linux:

cd js


cd ../abi

The effect of this is that libjs.a and js.h will be copied into the
proper places in abi/dist.

If you're on NT, try:

cd abi

which should build the library for you and also copy it to abi/dist.
On NT, the build process still requires CygWin32 and the bash shell,
but it doesn't use the configure script.

Our CVS-ed copy of the libjs source tree is simply a mirror of
NGS' 0.2.4 tarball. The tarball itself is also in our downloads
directory, for your convenience:

Once libjs and js.h are safely placed in abi/dist/...,
AbiWord should build without any problems.

If you grab the js tarball from the NGS website, you'll need to rename
the directory it creates, from 'js-0.2.4' to 'js'.

Note: This is just the first step. Having JavaScript as part of
AbiWord right now doesn't actually *do* much of anything. We haven't
exposed any hooks from AbiWord to the JavaScript interpreter yet,
so you can't write any useful scripts. However, AbiWord *will*
happily execute a JavaScript for you:
./AbiWord -script foo.js

BTW, kudos to Markku Rossi, the author of this nifty JavaScript

Eric W. Sink, Software Craftsman

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