Re: js compile failure on an Alpha

Paul Rohr (
Thu, 29 Oct 1998 21:33:07 -0800

At 12:13 AM 10/30/98 -0500, Brian E.W. Wood wrote:
>OK, for reference this was the problem compiling js:
>make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/js/jsas'
>rm -f jsas.js
>for i in process.js operands.js main.js; do cat ./$i >> jsas.js; done
>./src/js -g -Wpedantic -O2 -c jsas.js
>make[2]: *** [jsas] Illegal Instruction (core dumped)

Eric knows far more about the js stuff than I do, but here's a helpful hint
-- by default the NGS tree builds a lot of tools which we don't currently
use, including a compiler (jsc), disassembler (jsdas), and assembler (jsas).

It's quite possible that you may have gotten far enough through the
auto-magic build process to produce the few build targets we actually *do*
use. Try cd ../abi and see if ./ works.

>I know this is not really an Abi-specific problem, perhaps I should take
it to
>the NGS folks? I hate to have to join *another* mailing list but I am
>determined to make this work, you know how that goes :-)

That's a good idea. The NGS folks are quite friendly and pretty responsive.


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