Tree is back

Eric W. Sink (
Fri, 9 Apr 1999 11:59:10 -0500

This is the preliminary announcement that the tree has been
restored. We'll send a second email soon with an overview of
what changed. The info here should tide you over until then.

The tree reorg is complete, and things seem to be building again.
We've built the tree here, by three different people, on Linux,
WinNT, and Solaris.

There may be a few problems remaining -- please email the list
here if you find any.

For now, you'll need a little bit of new info to be able to

'cvs update' is not likely to be succeed. If you want to try it,
use the -d option.

Your best bet is to 'rm -rf abi' and 'cvs checkout' a new tree.

The expat XML parser has been moved out to become a peer of
abi. You'll need it. You have to 'cvs checkout expat' at
the same level as you checked out abi.

Once you've got both, just cd into abi and type make.

We need to update our build instructions to reflect the
current steps.

Eric W. Sink, Software Craftsman

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