commit -- fix hash table structs

Paul Rohr (
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 10:01:59 -0700

Hash table structs are no longer class-scope.
Sun's compiler didn't like 'em, and they were always awkward to use anyhow.

M src/af/util/mac/ut_Xpm2Bmp.cpp
M src/af/util/win/ut_Xpm2Bmp.cpp
M src/af/util/xp/ut_alphahash.cpp
M src/af/util/xp/ut_hash.cpp
M src/af/util/xp/ut_hash.h
M src/af/xap/beos/xap_BeOSToolbar_Icons.cpp
M src/af/xap/unix/xap_UnixDlg_FontChooser.cpp
M src/af/xap/unix/xap_UnixFontManager.cpp
M src/af/xap/xp/xap_App.cpp
M src/af/xap/xp/xap_Prefs.cpp
M src/text/fmt/xp/fl_DocLayout.cpp
M src/text/ptbl/xp/pd_Document.cpp
M src/text/ptbl/xp/pp_AttrProp.cpp
M src/text/ptbl/xp/pt_PT_Styles.cpp
M src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixToolbar_FontCombo.cpp

The prior construct wasn't a problem for the gcc, VC, or Metrowerks
compilers, but evidently Sun's pricey compiler balked at it. So, now we're
going with an even more plain-vanilla solution. :-)

At 11:29 PM 4/12/99 +0200, Drazen Kacar wrote:
>Hm... 0.5.3 tarball:
>"../../util/xp/ut_hash.h", line 63: Error:
UT_HashTable::UT_HashEntryListNode is not accessible from
>1 Error(s) detected.
>That happens with Sun's C++ 5.0. I don't have the faintest idea about the
>meaning of it, but I suppose you'll know.

Let us know if this doesn't work, either.


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