AbiWord State of Affairs

Thomas Fletcher (thomasf@qnx.com)
Fri, 16 Apr 1999 09:13:28 -0400

Fellow Be and AbiWord developers,

This is just a little state of the union for all the
clamouring regarding the AbiWord BeOS port. AbiWord
is an open source word processor (www.abisource.com).
I've been working in my spare time for the past few
months to get a BeOS port up and running. This port
is now at a stage where it is more or less structurally
complete but lacks many of the features found in the
Windows or Unix versions. The source is all checked
into the AbiSource cvs tree however, not because it
is ready for the world, but because it is ready for
my fellow BeOS programmers to get in and help to add
and enhance.

This is just a note to remind people that the source
is now available, that volunteer efforts are appreciated,
and that if you are trying to use it you will need a
lot of patience.

Complete build instructions should be posted to the
AbiSource web site within the next few days. If you
have any questions or comments about the port then
feel free to direct them to either myself or to
the AbiWord devlopment mailing list.


Thomas (toe-mah) Fletcher QNX Software Systems
thomasf@qnx.com Neutrino Development Group
(613)-591-0931 http://www.qnx.com/~thomasf

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