Re: BeOS build hangs soon after calling make

Paul Rohr (
Fri, 16 Apr 1999 13:25:35 -0700

At 09:00 AM 4/16/99 -0400, Thomas Fletcher wrote:
>And it should just work. Now from what I hear from the
>replies are that there are some strange characters in the
>Makefiles. This might have happened if Jeff used a
>windows machine to make modifications so the nl are
>messed up.

Have we heard any more details from any of the folks who are having this
problem? AFAIK, there are three ways that they could have gotten the source:

- CVS (which should automagically do LF conversion)
- tarball (Unix linefeeds)
- zipfile (Windows linefeeds)

To date, we haven't released the source in .sea or .hqx packages with Mac
linefeeds, but have expected we'll need to when the time comes.

Which linefeed convention do the BeOS tools expect? Does it vary for PPC
vs. Intel? If folks are just grabbing the wrong copy of the source, then
that's an easy website fix for us to make.


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