Re: Suggestion for your equation editor

Alejandro Aguilar Sierra (
Fri, 20 Aug 1999 11:38:32 -0600 (CST)

Pierre Abbat wrote:

> Are there equations or math structures that LyX can do but MathML can't,
> or vice versa?

You mean LaTeX vs MathML?

I'm not sure, most common structures are supported by both. MathML is
newer so I would expect some things to be better.

Shaw Terwilliger wrote:

> I would suggest that your effort might be best spent developing a
> polished and useful GNOME equation editor (if this does not already
> exist), so that when AbiWord gets its GNOME integration together we can
> work out any interaction issues. I'm currently not very familiar with
> example Bonobo work, so excuse the lack of specifics in moving this
> forward.

OK. Anyway I'd like to do it as independent as possible from gnome so it
can be used in applications that don't use gnome libraries but some common
mechanism for components based on corba.

Best regards,


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