Re: word importer (was Re: commit -- Patch for HTML export (bug#461?))

Subject: Re: word importer (was Re: commit -- Patch for HTML export (bug#461?))
From: Stephen Hack (
Date: Sun Dec 05 1999 - 17:39:55 CST

On Sat, Dec 04, 1999 at 02:44:38PM -0800, Paul Rohr wrote:
> >3. tabstops means custom tab settings, right? If so, that's actually a
> >"bug" as I have code to generate the tabs in the ruler.
> Precisely. As the Tabs POW mentioned, we've already specified the syntax
> for left, center, right, bar, and decimal tabs, and all but bar tabs work
> properly on the ruler. This should be enough for you to confirm whether
> you've imported them properly.
> After that, then the primary bugs remaining are:
> - syntax for tab leaders, and
> - a bunch of formatter support.

I'll have the formatter support pretty soon for the different type of tabs.

> >Styles are straight-forward, but require a bunch of annoyingly mundane
> >code changes. Although, I guess I'm not sure what to do with styles from
> >Word which do not have an AbiWord equivalent (ie. custom user styles). I
> >can create new styles as I'm importing, right?
> Exactly. Just mimic what happens when abi/test/wp/Styles.abw gets imported,
> and you should be fine. I'm pretty sure the existing APIs should be wide
> enough for you, but if you've got more info to pass, let me know.
> The one caveat is that style lookups will fail if they're referenced before
> they're defined. Just to be safe, the .abw format is laid out so we can
> load all user-defined styles before any document content.

So, Justin, I take it that you're starting to work on styles now.

What is the plan for tables? Is that a pre-1.0 or a post 1.0 feature?


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