AbiWord 0.3.4

Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Mon, 22 Feb 1999 15:53:02 -0800

... is out. There's been a *ton* of great progress since 0.3.3, and with
only one more week before Linux World, we wanted everyone to give the latest
features a good thorough pounding. Have at it!

Highlights include:

1. Inline images work. You can insert images from PNG files or the Win32
clipboard into your documents, where they get saved and reloaded as
base64-encoded PNG data items. Volunteers are needed to add importers for
additional raster image file formats in a suitably XP way.

2. Ruler (mostly) works. You can adjust paragraph margins, indents, and
column gaps interactively. Coming soon -- tabs.

3. Interactive spell-checking (kind of) works. If you have an ispell
american.hash dictionary in the usual place (/usr/lib/ispell/ on Linux, or
the app directory on Win32), you'll get red squiggles as you type. Still
needs a bunch of work though.

4. Far more drawing and formatting work than I could possibly describe. In
particular, bug 7 is *gone*, so you should no longer see any character-level
drawing dirt.

5. Import/export of AbiWord files should now be UTF8-safe. See
src/wp/samples/latin1.abw for an example.

6. Added trivial exporters for plain text and HTML. Trivial fixes for the
brain-dead Word97 importer to keep it on life support until Justin and
Caolan can supply a real replacement.

7. Lots of tree reshuffling and tidying to help prepare for a MacOS port.
Various housecleaning tasks include:

- changed to proper ANSI/POSIX headers,
- removed C++ streams,
- renamed last vestiges of old DG_* prefixes,
- removed UT_DLList,
- added clean and realclean targets to top level makefile,
- turned off a bunch of old debug messages,
- no filenames longer than 31 characters, and
- moved more platform-specific logic out of XP files.

8. As always, many bugs were squashed with violent force.



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