Re: XP Questions

Thomas Fletcher (
Mon, 19 Jul 1999 09:07:31 -0400

On Sat, 17 Jul 1999, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:

> On Sat, 17 Jul 1999, Thomas Fletcher wrote:
> > In fact there is nothing stopping anyone from putting together
> > a port which is based on wxWindow (or any other x-platform
> I don't know why this discussion turned like this, really. It's absolutely
> clear that nobody in their mind would start completely rewrite of a project
> more than a year since it beginning. Writing a wx port of AbiWord is IMHO
> absolutely not interesting - especially because it already works (I think)
> on all platforms supported by wxWin.

Yes, but that is not the point. I think that the ideas being presented
here are that it is better to try and re-use code. If someone were to
do a port to use the wxWindows library as the GUI interface layer, then
there is a benefit to all involved, sure wxWindows _currently_ might
only support the same platforms that AbiWord already runs on (with
the exception of BeOS), but the benefit would be that in an ideal
world when someone decides to port the wxWindows library to the
Mac, BeOS, QNX ... in theory the AbiWord app should just work. As
the main BeOS port author, I'll tell ya that you can do an initial
port of AbiWord to a new platform's GUI in about the space of a
week (I did it to the BeOS API, in my spare time during the evenings
in about week initially). Sure you don't have all the bells and
whistles, but it is a start. I've put a fair bit of time into
AbiWord, because I wanted a basic word-processor for BeOS. I
have no problem with my code being tossed out the window in
favour of a wxWindow solution, if the wxWindow solution is
complete for my platform. And yes I'd be interested, once
AbiWord is working in a stable way on BeOS, to start work on porting
wxWindows to BeOS, but I only have so much free time =;-)

> > I would say take up the challenge and try to do a port of
> > AbiWord using the wxWindows library ..
> If I really had so much free time I would rather write a BeOS (or QNX) port of
> wxWindows :-/ BTW, although it doesn't seem that wxWin is very popular among
> abiword developers I'd still like to use this opportunity for a small ad
> campaign: if there are people knowing BeOS who would like to create a wxWin
> port to this platform, we would be (more than) glad to help them to do it.
> IMHO, such port would be very interesting not only for wxWin, but mainly to
> Be users who could profit from the programs which already run under Windows/Unix
> (and even Windows only - porting from MFC to wxWin is much easier than
> directly porting from MFC to BeOS API).

Don't say that wxWindows isn't popular among AbiWord
developers ... not until a wxWindows port appears. Like
I said, I wanted a word processor to use and porting
wxWindows to BeOS wouldn't have helped me in that

Consider me interested in helping you put together
a BeOS port ... and perhaps even a Photon port of
wxWindows. To be honest though, if you were to make
a wxWindows version of AbiWord, I'd be a lot more
motivated =;-)

Stirring the pot 'cause its my birthday,


Thomas (toe-mah) Fletcher QNX Software Systems Neutrino Development Group

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