Re: XP Questions

Vadim Zeitlin (
Mon, 19 Jul 1999 15:47:07 +0200 (CEST)

On 19-Jul-99 Thomas Fletcher wrote:
> Yes, but that is not the point. I think that the ideas being presented
> here are that it is better to try and re-use code. If someone were to
> do a port to use the wxWindows library as the GUI interface layer, then
> there is a benefit to all involved, sure wxWindows _currently_ might
> only support the same platforms that AbiWord already runs on (with
> the exception of BeOS),


in fact, I've looked at the AbiWord home page since I had written that
message and discovered that there is no Motif port of it (which is
suported by wxWin, although wxMotif lacks some of the latest features
such as drag-and-drop, tooltips, Unicode, ... - and I'm not much of
a Motif programmer so I can't add them), so may be it's still interesting
to do it. Especially if there are people working on AbiWord who know
Motif and who would be interesting in it...

> the main BeOS port author, I'll tell ya that you can do an initial
> port of AbiWord to a new platform's GUI in about the space of a
> week

Wow, this is impressing. AbiWord must be really well designed then
(no sarcasm here). I'm working hard right now on making it easier
to write the new ports of wxWin (factoring out the common functionality
which is sometimes duplicated in different ports and so on), but I would
estimate the time needed for getting the new port to run as being more
close to 1 month than 1 week.

> (I did it to the BeOS API, in my spare time during the evenings
> in about week initially). Sure you don't have all the bells and
> whistles, but it is a start.

The last 10% take, of course, 90% of time as we all know :-)

> I've put a fair bit of time into
> AbiWord, because I wanted a basic word-processor for BeOS.

A question: would you also like a powerful, flexible and
extendable mail client for BeOS? I've never seen the BeMail
(or how is it called) in action, but I think that it must be
one of these simple but not really suited for the real life use
(at least you seem to prefer Pine to it).

If, by chance, you do, Iwould be *really* interested to collaborate
with you on porting the Mahogany mail client (which uses wxWin)
to BeOS (I'm one of the 2 main authors of it and I think it would
be great to make it run on BeOS).

> AbiWord is working in a stable way on BeOS, to start work on porting
> wxWindows to BeOS, but I only have so much free time =;-)

Great to hear it (not that you don't have an infinite amount of
free time, of course...)!

> Don't say that wxWindows isn't popular among AbiWord
> developers ... not until a wxWindows port appears. Like
> I said, I wanted a word processor to use and porting
> wxWindows to BeOS wouldn't have helped me in that
> regard.

True. We had about the same regrets when LyX dev team decided
not to use wxWin but "native" toolkit - and even though about
writing a wxLyX ourself, but, of course, it has never happened
(there are only 24 hours in a day, unfortunately).

> Consider me interested in helping you put together
> a BeOS port ... and perhaps even a Photon port of
> wxWindows.

There are 2 things which prevent me from starting to write
BeOS port right now:

1. I don't have BeOS and I'm not exactly rich, so I would think
twice before paying money to be able to work on a free project.

2. I prefer to spend time left from wxWin on Mahogany development.

But if there were a real chance to get Mahogany to run on Be,
it would probably change both of these points...

> Stirring the pot 'cause its my birthday,

Happy birthday then!

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