Re: commit -- #512 fixed

Robert Sievers (
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 14:04:08 -0500

At 01:49 PM 7/22/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Fixed #501 and #512 by modifying character table so as to map all
characters to a value below 256. Curly quotes still do not work, but at
least now they don't crash RTF import.

By the way, I wanted to thank Peter Arnold for showing me how to track this

The RTF importer was passing the characters along ok, but the rest of the
code couldn't quite handle it. So as someone who isn't a full time
programmer, what does it take now to handle these characters such as
\rquote, \lquote and \bullet? I know the piece table is set up to work in
groups of 2 bytes. Is this a 1-hour or 1-month job?

Robert Sievers
Open Source Evangelist

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