Re: abiword

Kevin Cosgrove (kevinc@dOink.COM)
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 12:53:15 -0700


ews> Sorry, we only do RPMs for the compiled binaries, while source code
ews> is distributed in a tar.gz. Speaking strictly for myself, it never
ews> occurred to me that a src RPM would be worth the trouble. Am I
ews> missing something?

Src RPMs make relocation much easier; this means I can
have the same package installed on my Sparc machine
(where I'm a normal user) and on my Linux machine (where
I can be root). Src RPMs also make recompilation much
easier; all I need do is 'rpm -ba <specfile>' and wait
for it to finish.

If you've gone to the trouble of making a binary RPM,
then the src RPM comes almost for free.

Any chance I could get one? At least, could I please get
a copy of the RPM spec file?

Thanks much....

Pager: (503) 202-3059 Kevin Cosgrove, P.E.
Work: (503) 627-3259 Kevin.E.Cosgrove@Tek.COM
Home: (503) 533-7722 kevinc@dOink.COM
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