Re: Updated german translation, but still one problem

Paul Rohr (
Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:45:48 -0700

At 06:29 PM 6/9/99 +0200, Christian Terboven wrote:
>Here is the new version of the german translation. I think it is
>nearly finished, but there are some words which do not fit in the
>dialogs, but I will correct that...

Did you mean to attach your work to this message? It didn't arrive.

>I have got the problem of the "Umlaute" (ä ö ü) remaining. I have
>inserted them in the DeDE.strings like "ä" for "ä", but they
>were not displayed correct. What can I do?!?

Yep. I spent a while today rooting around in the expat state machines
trying to fix a similar problem for French accented characters. After
thoroughly frustrating myself, I checked the FAQ:

Doh! By default, expat is expecting only ASCII characters in this file. To
get it to recognize other Latin-1 characters, try adding the following line
at the very top of your strings file (before the comments):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

It seems to work for French, at least. :-)


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