Re: suggestions & observations

Shaw Terwilliger (
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 10:24:15 -0500

On Tue, Jun 29, 1999 at 09:19:10PM -0500, Joel Schneider wrote:
> o The PostScript output generated by AbiWord can be quite large, and
> seems to grow substantially with each additional font included in the
> document. Is there a good way to cut down the .ps size?

Yes, the PostScript output actually includes the font used for
display for 100% (well, really really darn close) WYSIWYG as
far as fonts go. Adding an option to not embed a font in the
output is simple enough, but it brings up the problem of font
matching. If I'm using "Nimbus Roman 9", which looks like a
Times font, and I print to use printer fonts, how do I match
this font to something the printer has? We currently don't
handle this problem for screen->printer fonts on Unix.

If anyone has a good idea or a pointer to some project which
does this well, please tell. About all we can do now is
either (1) always use Times or (2) throw the names of the
fonts we're using at the printer and just hope it can match
some of them.

> o It would be nice if AbiWord supported some standard CDE keystrokes.
> Here are the ones I know:
> copy: Ctrl-Ins
> paste: Shift-Ins
> cut: Shift-Del

AbiWord can switch keyboard bindings on the fly, and adding new
ones isn't that hard, but requires mapping a few edit methods
to key-strokes. For example, if you press F12 while in AbiWord,
you'll toggle through AbiWord Default, Emacs, and Vi modes. These
modes aren't complete binding sets, and we're open to patches
to support more.

If you're just suggesting we bind Ctrl-Ins, Shift-Ins, and
Shift-Del to something in the default mode (and they're not
already taken) just add a few lines to abi/src/wp/ap/xp/ap_LB_Default.cpp

> o Why not set the default file extension for saved new files to ".abw"?

This was a problem with the 0.7.1 release, and has been fixed on the
Windows side. The naming convention was left alone on the Unix side
for a few reasons, none 100% solid.

Shaw Terwilliger

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