cheat sheet -- 5 key files to know about

Paul Rohr (
Tue, 16 Mar 1999 16:01:27 -0800


Recently, there have been a lot of new folks taking the initiative to wade
through the source code and trying to find their way around. Like with any
big new source base, getting started can sometimes be a bit frustrating.
There are a *ton* of files to wade through at first, and trying to follow
call stacks step by step can be a lot of work.

However, you can skip over a lot of that complexity if you're familiar with
5 key files. My assertion is that if you start hunting from here, you'll be
able to find your way to whatever code you're looking for a *lot* easier.

The following three files bind various inputs to logical actions:

abi\src\wp\ap\xp\ap_LB_Default.cpp (keys)
abi\src\wp\ap\xp\ap_Menu_ActionSet.cpp (menu items)
abi\src\wp\ap\xp\ap_Toolbar_ActionSet.cpp (toolbar items)

These reference individual edit methods (by name) which are all implemented
in the following file:


Some of these actions just do XAP stuff, the rest call down into the
AbiWord-specific View code, in the following file:


And from there, things actually happen to documents. :-)

Of course there's a lot of framework code that actually wires all this stuff
together, but once it's ported, we usually don't have to touch or look at
it. Jeff's just that good.


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