Re: HOWTO: add a menu item to the framework

Jeff Hostetler (
Wed, 17 Mar 1999 11:24:46 -0600

At 07:48 PM 3/16/99 -0800, Paul Rohr wrote:
>I just went through and added most of the menu items we'll be needing for a
>while, but for future reference, here's an overview of what it takes to add
>a new item to the menubar, using Jeff's ASAP framework.

excellent summary.

> 3. ap_Menu_Layouts_MainMenu.h arranges MENU_IDs into main menu bar

i should add that the "MainMenu" defines the layout of the (currently
only) menu bar. if someone want another layout (say a "ShortMenu" or
just a custom rearrangement), they can clone that file and rename "Main"
where it appears, add an entry in ap_Menu_Layouts_All.h and update their
preferences and go.

>the official technical documentation approach
>Seriously, though. If someone would like to write this up more cleanly
>without all my cavalier DIY references, and submit the resulting .abw
>document, I'm sure we'd be happy to check it into the abi/docs portion of
>the tree.

i'll try to take a look at doing this this weekend...


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