Re: bookmark idea
Wed, 17 Mar 1999 16:14:37 +1100

On Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 04:38:50PM -0800, Micah Yoder wrote:

> I'd say bookmarks should only be effected by line operations. Deleting
> a whole line would *probably* delete the bookmark. Copying it would
> leave the bookmark only where it was. Moving a line involves deleting
> and pasting, so it would be gone.

How about having the bookmark treated as a line (with the exception that it
doesn't take up any space). That way, the user will have to delete it

Oh, and the bookmark should go either below or above the line, not split up the

As for copying, no. Bookmarks should not be clipboardable, especially since in
the perfect world, the Abi clipboard will be the host OS's clipboard.

-- Michael Samuel <>

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