COMMIT - option apply button

Stephen Hack (
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 14:20:44 -0600

I have just added the apply button to the options dialog for unix. I have not
added the logic to enable/disable it depending if there is anything to apply.

I have changed the images associated w/ the options dialog. Under
enlightenment, you have the option of removing the window's borders. Now, the
images range in size from 3-7k. (as compared to 12-17k). But, that means that
there is no title bar on the images.


Files Changes
M shots/wp/unix/options-prefs.png
M shots/wp/unix/options-spell.png
M shots/wp/unix/options-view.png
M src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_Options.cpp
M src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_Options.h
M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Dialog_Options.h
M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_String_Id.h

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