Turn off spellchecker

Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia (guille@iies.es)
Tue, 05 Oct 1999 10:11:37 +0200


I have just downloaded AbiWord (0.7.5) and although everything
I could click was 'not implemented yet' I must say that it looks
very good and very promising indeed.

There's just one thing...

I'm a spanish user, and it's a bit annoying to see that everything
I type is automatically spellchecked and of course, being spanish,
marked as wrong (underlined in red). I guess other non-english
users will have the same problem, so it would probably be a good
idea, even in this early stage of development, to have the ability
to turn off the spellchecker.

That's all. Keep up the good work!

P.S.: I'm not in the list, so I won't be able to read any replies
(unless someone wants to CC me ;-)


Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia

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