Re: design q -- simplifying the spell dialog UI

Paul Rohr (
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 10:06:39 -0700

At 12:52 PM 10/14/99 -0400, Thomas Fletcher wrote:
>I should be able to provide some colour highlighting for the problem
>word. I'm more interested in knowing how this stream of text
>will get re-inserted into the document without loosing format

Ouch. You're right. I'll have to think that through some more before
implementing anything.

We actually have this problem already at the per-word level, but it's far
less pronounced than with a sentence-level replacement.

Any time we replace *anything* (from the find or spell dialogs) we can
potentially lose interior character-level formatting. However, people are
far less likely to have inter-word formatting changes, so they're unlikely
to notice that we nuke them.

But having the same behavior in a trivial sentence-level replacement is
bound to be more noticeable. At minimum, we should localize the edit
operations, which would help, but that's not a real solution.

As I said, this needs more thought.


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