Re: code

Justin Bradford (
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 12:39:22 -0500 (CDT)

> > samax wrote:
> >
> > Add Code in ap_EditMethods.Cpp,Line 3372
> The only logic reason for this sort of email that I can found, is that
> this guys don't understand the english... maybe it will be a good idea
> make the contents of this dialog a translatable string... I can make the
> spanish and the french translations (I will be *VERY* glad if this sort
> of emails finish soon).

Actually, I think these emails have a lot to do with the fact that any
Windows user can download a binary and run it. In fact, these kinds of
messages (ie. clueless ones) are quite common on any project's mailing
list/newsgroup which has a Windows port. Reading some of Mozilla's
newsgroups can be quite amusing.

Of course, the cool thing about these emails is that AbiWord is
obviously being used by a market segment far, far different than any
of regulars on this list.

To get rid of these emails, we have to finish the dialogs. However, in the
meantime, might I propose a new way of handling incomplete features:
whenever the user tries to access an unfinished menu, AbiWord crashes;
they'll probably find that a more traditional, and less perplexing,
approach. Think about it-- how many emails have we gotten saying, it just
suddenly disappeared? It's probably happened a few times, but everyone
understands "that's what software does". But informational dialogs
explaining the current, unfinished status of the program? That's just


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