Two patches, and a file to remove

Subject: Two patches, and a file to remove
From: Martin Vermeer (
Date: Thu Aug 10 2000 - 04:41:48 CDT

Hi, here are three (small) contributions.
1. The attached patch corrects some LaTeX output symbols that
should be in math mode (surrounded by $$), and adds
0x201e = "below double quote" as a symbol. Furthermore \ldots
was implemented for 0x2026.

I also added 0x201e to the HTML output. My browsers don't render &bdquote;
as they are supposed to -- seems to be pretty new. So I chose ,, for

2. I introduced the variant wvCleanLaTeX.xml to produce a LaTeX output
mostly free of visual paragraph formatting, and thus more suitable
for further use in LaTeX (or LyX import). It is produced by patching the
second attachment, wvDiffLaTeX.xml, to wvLaTeX.xml to produce

3. Please remove wvLaTeX.sed. Its functions have been superseded by the
various patches to text.c that I have submitted earlier.

Martin Vermeer   Phone +358 9 295 55 215   Fax +358 9 295 55 200
Finnish Geodetic Institute    Geodeetinrinne 2    FIN-02430 Masala FINLAND

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