Re: fix for broken Win32 build (7-10)

Subject: Re: fix for broken Win32 build (7-10)
From: Justin Bradford (
Date: Wed Jul 12 2000 - 02:14:45 CDT

On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, sam th wrote:

> I'm pretty sure it's a valid svg file. I know that Justin's code does not
> actually display SVG files, it just has one hardcoded green diamond. I'm
> not sure if that's what's causing the problem.

My SVG content detection is probably broken, and getting confused by the
various <?xml <!.. etc. lead-in lines.

As for the rendering, soon it'll handle basic drawing, but it's not going
to be a complete SVG implementation anytime soon (if ever). I was thinking
E/WMF or PICT level vector graphics builtin. Anything bigger will probably
have to wait for a plugin/component system in AbiWord, as a full SVG
implementation is beyond AbiWord's scope.


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