"Standard Symbols"

Subject: "Standard Symbols"
From: Martin Sevior (msevior@mccubbin.ph.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Mon Jun 19 2000 - 06:57:54 CDT

Hi everyone,
            right now on Unix our Symbol support is given by a font set
provided by Adobe named "Standard Symbols" in Abiword. This is unfortunate
because it breaks platform interoperability amongst even abiword. Windows
has a True Type font called "symbol" that is functionally identical to
"Standard Symbols" but because Windows does not know about the "Standard
Symbol" font encoding it treats the fonts like a regular Latin-1 font and
displays garbage instead of nice "alpha's" or bullets.

So I propose that we change the name of "Standard Symbols" to "symbol" and
that we put in a piece of code to convert the name of any document with
"standard symbols" font to "symbol" font upon loading. That way we
don't break old documents and we slowly convert them all to the
more standard "symbol" font. By the way, X11 has a type 1 font called
"symbol" that is also identical to our "Standard Symbols".

By far the easiest way to get bulletted lists up and running is to use
symbols for our "Standard Symbol" font so pretty soon it won't be just
weird people like me who write about neutrinos who have this problem.

Does anybody disagree with this? Does anyone know how to do this quickly?



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