Re: Pspell Support

Subject: Re: Pspell Support
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Mon Nov 06 2000 - 10:47:56 CST

Thomas wrote:
>Now of course the question is ... can we integrate it (pspell)
>into the tree such that platforms that don't have pspell
>installed can benefit from it. Hate to start this debate
>up again, but it is an issue for all of the non-unix
>platforms we support. Then we could dump ispell once and
>for all.

Well... from what Kevin Atkinson (author of Pspell and Aspell), Pspell isn't
quite ready for the "prime time" yet. It's known to work on Win32, though
(probably Be too), so if someone would like to try it out on Win32, my patch
should work. You *will* need to change the last three lines in,
because that's where I link in Pspell and I know that that bit of code will
only work on Unix and probably Be. Sorry, no Windows box to test on.

I'd love to dump Ispell. If we can get Pspell up and running on all of our
platforms, it'd be great, and I'm sure Kevin would like the help too :-)
Just one thing though: Pspell is *noticeably* slower than Ispell on my box.
It isn't really bad when run through the spell-check dialog, but is really
bad when you right-click on a word to see possible replacements. It is a
*lot* better at suggesting replacement words, though.

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